Thursday, July 14, 2011

Caps Lock Syndrome

People who type in all caps all of the time. There needs to be a telethon for these people to bring about awareness for this terrible affliction. What causes a person to do this? Perhaps they are possessed by a demon that HAS IMPORTANT THINGS TO SAY AND WANTS TO BE HEARD. I don't know but it makes me crazy. Even when they say something pleasant it comes across as intimidating and makes me feel bad about myself. My favorite part is when they hit the shift button at the beginning of a sentence and a lower case letter sneaks in, it's like a little betrayal to their caps lock cause. hELLO HOW ARE YOU? We need to speak out against this crime against social Internet users, spread the word people! When you see someone abusing their caps lock, gently say something like "Hey, I think your caps lock is on DUMBASS!"  You see how when I use the all caps to emphasize one word instead of all the words it tends to get the point across more efficiently? Of course this could all be a misunderstanding due to a multitude of broken keyboards with faulty caps lock buttons. In that case, nEVERMIND I'M SORRY I SAID ANYTHING PLEASE EXCEPT MY APOLOGY.